Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Black Magic in Ashram – C.I.D.

No Black Magic in Ashram – C.I.D.

The Detective Police Inspector of Gujarat C.I.D., P.M. Paramar presented a detailed report in the Gujarat High Court on 6th April, 2010 in which he has given a clean chit to the Ashram on allegations of tantric activities and black magic.

It has been clearly written in the affidavit that – “The Ashram sadhakas (inmates) and students studying in the Gurukul were enquired and their statements were recorded by a big team of the senior officers of C.I.D. A thorough investigation of each and every area and room of the Ashram precinct was done, including video recording and photography, but no clue related to tantrism was found. Along with this, no evidence of tantric rites was found.

Summons were issued under Section 160 by the Investigation officer to journalists of different newspapers and electronic media in order to collect the information available with them, but no one followed it. A press note had also been published by the ‘Information and Broadcasting department’, Gandhinagar, in the newspaper that if anybody has any information of suspicious activities or incidents, then he should approach and tell that to the investigation officer. This was also made clear that the one giving the information would be rewarded and his name would be kept secret. Even then, nobody came forward.”

The advocate of High Court, Mr. B.M. Gupta said, “Up till now, all those witnesses who have given statements to the Justice P.K. Trivedi Investigation Commission, all of them have said in their statements that they have never seen any performance of Tantric rites in the Ashram.” Those who lived in the Ashram for several years and fled from the Ashram seeing their base intentions not getting fulfilled, and those who were expelled from the Ashram, became puppets in the hands of those involved in the smear campaign and started leveling false allegations. At last, even they had to admit that they had never seen any Tantric rite being practiced in the Ashram. Truth alone triumphs.

The people who were engaged in the smear campaign against an institution which has propagated Hindu Dharma so nicely, have spent crores of rupees and will do so in future also. We know that the newspapers fabricating false allegations and inventing stories, corrupt TV channels and absconders will not sit quietly. We wish they mend their ways, God grant them wise sense; otherwise such scandal-mongers shall suffer the rage of nature for committing atrocities against sadhakas. Many have fallen victim to the wrath of Nature, others should better mend their ways.

- Dr. Premji Makwana (M.B.B.S.)

(A sadhak living in the Ashram for last 29 years)

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